Make room for you in the house of your life

Salma Allam
2 min readDec 23, 2020

We have completely been sucked into a busy world. Our worth is on how much we can get done, and then how we can do more. But what is the effect of this on us? How does this fair in the long run?

Coming from a professional dance background, the strive to get better, to hit the next goal was real. Get an injury? How fast can you recover? This mentality has followed me through life and the quest for great, and greater has been daunting.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reaching goals and smashing them. But I don’t enjoy burn out! I think most of us don’t. So how do we stop, how do we still provide in life, hit goals, but take care of ourselves?

Choice. We have to choose. We have to choose when to let up and let go. Get the list done, and walk away, don’t add to it. It’s trying to stop “If I can just squeeze this in today… then tomorrow will be easier.” Also, if something doesn’t get done it’s ok.

Permission. We must give ourselves permission to adapt our understanding of perfection. Perfection rather being living our lives in harmony, and sometimes this means letting something go, not getting something done. It’s allowing ourselves to pivot our expectations based on our own personal needs.

Acceptance. Ultimately we have to find a place where we feel ok taking care of our needs. Releasing feeling bad about maybe operating a little differently than those around us. Maybe you need more rest. More downtime. Maybe more movement. Maybe you need to do your meditation before your day starts. It’s ok to set up your life to include the things that support you and your well-being, and it’s ok for it to look different than someone else’s version.

The reality is it’s never going to be all done. It’s like laundry, we do it, it’s done, then we get changed at the end of the day and there is more laundry again. We have to get ok with still having things to do. Getting ok with this gives us the space to bring other things in, not another to-do list of things, but enriching things. Finding passions and hobbies, reading “that” book. These are all things of paramount importance. It’s all about allowing the space to choose yourself and allowing supportive behavior to trickle in.

We need to take care of our mind, body & spirit. This involves finding nourishing movement we love, finding time to be still, finding time to just be and allow joy to filter in not from accomplishments but from deep within ourselves.

Find your rituals, your hook ins and have fun making them a part of your life.



Salma Allam

Yoga, Pilates, & Meditation teacher. Navigating through life finding and sharing tools to thrive.